Practical Wisdom Workshops
Cut loose – and Sing!

Date: 6th April 2024
Sat 10:00-12:00pm AEST
Presenter: Roger Bunting
Cost: $25.00
Erasmus Primary School Campus
40 Lisson Grove
Hawthorn Vic 3122
Cut loose – and Sing!
The session will consist of tuning up the voices – followed by singing along with some well-known pieces and then perhaps – risk a canon or two!
As shri Chinmoy said; “Singing immediately inspires and awakens the slumbering soul in us. In our day-to-day life, we constantly break the universal Harmony, but when we sing, we build and create this universal Harmony in and around us.”
So come along and enjoy the liberating power of singing and especially dispelling the beliefs and ideas about “my voice”. No previous experience needed.

Roger is interested in the liberating power of singing and especially dispelling the beliefs and ideas we may have about “my voice”.