Practical Wisdom Workshops
Timeless wisdom – Contemporary issues – Passionate presenters

Practical Wisdom Workshops are offered in the belief that the timeless wisdom traditions still have relevance in today’s world and when applied produce unique initiatives. For the past five years we have given a platform for 20+ passionate presenters to share close to 40 workshops. These presenters have all found inspiration and conviction from studying and practicing the tenets of wisdom texts over many years. They here offer the fruits of their endeavour which has been as much practical application as intellectual study.
When we began PWW we envisaged that the format would be more discourse than lecture and that the presentations would offer the participant the opportunity to engage with the subject matter, question and discuss with like-minded people. To this end we limited the capacity to 20 people and as a result 90% of the offerings have been a sell out with a few returning a second time due to demand.
The Practical Wisdom Workshop format offers a forum for the participant to join in and question if required or share their experiences if desired or just to soak up the information and quietly reflect how it might apply in their lives.
During the recent Covid 19 pandemic we have taken the PWW on line via the Zoom platform and it has proven to be a very popular move with workshops booking out in record time as people from further afield now have access to the online classes. So we continue to invite you to join the discovery of practical wisdom and how it can be applied in daily life whether on line or face to face.
The sessions were amazing. The depth of thinking & questioning was astounding. It was a very deep & rich session.
‘Content and delivery were both amazing. The practical tips were useful and it didn’t come off as being lectured to.’
‘Very informative, helpful, interesting and thought-provoking’.
‘Authentic and well-paced. Great presenter and information. Thank You.’
‘Easy to follow, interesting material, useful conversation and real-life examples.’
‘It was perfect.’