45 Riversdale Road
Hawthorn VIC 3122

The Hawthorn Campus houses the School of Philosophy office and is shared with the Erasmus Primary School. The site contains a former manor town house with a tower built in 1874 known as “Ardenne”. In 1922 the site was purchased by the Brigadine Sisters who constructed extensive educational facilities to house Kilmare College for girls. Erasmus Primary School purchased the site in 1996.
Hawthorn has numerous classrooms which accommodate classes most nights of the week and Saturday mornings. It is used as the venue for many of the school’s study days, Cultural day activities, Mindfulness courses and the Practical Wisdom Workshops.
Central Ringwood Community Centre
Rosewarne Lane,
Ringwood VIC 3134

Central Ringwood Community Centre (10 minute walk from Ringwood Station), enables members of the community to participate in educational and social activities and people of all abilities.
All Saints Hall
113 Noble Street
Newtown VIC 3220

The Geelong School of Practical Philosophy is situated in the All Saints Church Hall, 113 Noble Street, Newtown. The School was started by Dr John Tippett in 1996 at the old courthouse building. The School then moved for a long time to the Dalgety building in Malop St. and enrolments peaked at over 100 students at this venue.
The School is now supporting about 30 students, who meet on Tuesday and Thursday evenings. The city of Geelong has about the same population as ancient Athens did and like ancient Athens, it has a philosophical epicentre – the School of Practical Philosophy – which gives its students valuable practical life wisdom and gives its community something even greater to connect with than the Geelong Football Club.
25-39 Barkly Street
Ballarat VIC 3350

The Ballarat branch of the School of Philosophy started on Tuesday 29th January 2008 in the Ballroom of the old Mining Exchange building. 28 students were in attendance and 3 of those students still attend. It was all made possible by the generosity of the Geelong School students who volunteered to help and of course the Ballarat students who opened their minds and hearts to a shared vision and its realisation.
Since that time over 400 students have participated in a “The Wisdom Within” course while the School has had 5 different venues.
Although a small branch there is a good feeling of camaraderie between individuals and groups in the overall school with three of the more senior groups volunteering their services each week to help with running the nights classes. Figures and venues are one thing but the value to the community is harder to quantify. Time after time our students tell us that even attending one 10-week course has changed how they look and deal with the world. Our continuing students talk about how it has changed their life for the better and how they value the deep discussions and the ability to explore ideas in a non-judgmental environment.
53 Acland Street
St. Kilda VIC 3182

Illoura [original name Halcyon] is an Italianate boom-style manor built in 1886. It has a raised tower highlighting the entrance and its facade, eaves and verandah are richly decorated. It provides accommodation for some weekend retreats and meeting rooms.
Castlemaine Uniting Church
8 Lyttleton Street
Castlemaine VIC 3450

Central Goldfields School Of Philosophy whilst located in Castlemaine has students from Bendigo, Daylesford and as far afield as Serpentine and Gisborne. It is the newest regional branch in Victoria having started in 2019 and is well on its way to being a thriving hub of philosophical enquiry within our community.
Sessions are facilitated by an experienced presenter and are lively and often challenging. From the very first night, we jump in and explore through discussion key philosophical principles. As this is a course in exploring how life may be lived well there is a practical side: everyone is encouraged to engage in weekly practices. Our exploration of Philosophy is far from dry, dull and tedious – it is a lively, energetic exploration which may very well challenge your ideas of who you are. If you live “locally” come and join us and meet other like-minded individuals.
VILLA SOPHIA – A Country Retreat
80 Patterson Street
Daylesford VIC 3460

Villa Sophia is surrounded by fields at the top of Italian Hill on the outskirts of Daylesford and enjoys sweeping views out to the surrounding treetops. The landscaped garden and adjacent walks (including a trail to Jubilee Lake) make it a peaceful setting ideal for rural retreats. The villa can accommodate up to twenty-four people which includes two meeting rooms with separate access.
Two of the sitting rooms have log fires making the accommodation simple and homely with students supplying their own linen. Retreats vary in length from a day to a week and include meditation and mindfulness retreats, general study groups as well as specific studies such as Sanskrit, Renaissance, art and yoga. Care of the building and the grounds form part of the retreats allowing students to find rest whilst working with attention.
The property is available for hire to students when not in use by the School.