The Call for Attention
Some say the word ‘Cooee’ originates from the Dharug language of Aboriginal Australians in the Sydney area. This probably means it was first heard by Europeans in that area, for its use seems to have been much more widely spread. Regardless, early settlers used it and the word is now part of the Australian lexicon and bush lore. It is a piercing call which can travel long distances and is used when searching for someone lost in the bush, meaning ‘where are you?’ Called by whomever might be lost, means ‘I am here!’ It is a call for attention.
Advaita Vedanta
Advaita philosophy too, is a call. Meaning non-dual, or ‘not two’, it is a practical, systematic philosophy calling for the singular application of attention to whatever presents itself in the moment ‘now’. It poses a singlular question, becoming many, calling, echoing across the vastness of the being. What am I? What is this creation, and what is my relationship to it? What is the singular, greatest human endeavour to which one can devote a life?
Vedanta is a system of knowledge through which true reason is awakened by study of scriptures and practices in concentration. This system is embodied in the Veda, in which all knowledge is said to be contained, the knowledge through which anything is known. The ancient wisdom has it that in the Vedas are the laws and regulations that measure the aim and fulfilment of this creation.
A wise Teacher who has provided the world-wide School of Philosophy guidance since the early 1960’s, also provided a system of meditation about which in 1974, he said this: ’ The present age is full of disruptive forces and everywhere turmoil is being experienced. So it is necessary that some good work to rescue humanity and relieve the trouble should be provided….The system of meditation which has been given to us is the culmination of all simplicity by which the evolution of humanity is most easy.This is not to suggest the work is to meditate in order to ‘save the world’, for that is not the work, for the world, such as it is, might be a little hard to find. However he also said, that unless given the knowledge that a system of meditation and knowledge can lead one to a better and real life, it is not possible to turn and make use of it.
Very simply, meditation and knowledge working together are needed. As the same teacher said: ‘Ignorance of advaita means involvement without any chance of escape. It sometimes gives pleasure, sometimes pain and they come in turn. It creates worries and worries reduce the chances of future freedom from attachment. If advaita is accepted, involvement ceases. One watches everything as it is. The mind is not preoccupied with worries.’
The Melbourne School of Practical Philosophy
Founded in 1977, and still going strong, this independent not for profit organisation is affiliated with like organisations around the world, and exists for the sole purpose of making the ancient wisdom available to those who seek it out. Drawing off the teachings of the world’s wisdom traditions, it offers opportunity to put the teachings into practice in good company, for what good do these serve if they are not useful in practice? What use wisdom if not practical?
Inquire Further
The sound of ‘cooee’ can travel vast distances, the sound of advaita can traverse vast differences.
To inquire further, make contact via the details on this website, or direct any questions to this article under the heading ‘Advaita is Calling’.
For indeed, Advaita, or ‘I Am That I Am’ is calling.
Curious About Life? So Are We.
If interested in an everyday practical way like the teachings found through Advaita, consider joining one of our philosophy classes. This term our 10-week introductory course ‘The Wisdom Within’ is scheduled to run at a choice of venues, and online.